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Sabah tyty Aquarist the world (France)

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Sabah tyty Aquarist the world (France)


tyty Aquarist the world (France)

bonjour tous le monde.
Hello everyone.
Already I want to say that Im not happy with the team-football of France, so do not mix all the French in the same shopping cart.
yes like the cheeses feel good lol, we do not wear a hat all the "berret" and luckily we are not all individualistic.
It is true that the French do not usually share with the world, but the French researchers aquarists are very present on research in the world.
Being the pioneer of French aquarist sharing with world, I travel all world forums.
I am a boy 32 years old and I live in the south of France
the last forum is you, but just before it is russia.
Understand that in sharing with the world of forums, I would not be any time now on the forum.
Of course if you asked me, I would come to answer your questions.
My dream would be to see member asia sharing with french aquarist and send us your knowledge and above all your philosophy.
For almost three years, I share with the world and Im on all continents.
I changed my attitude about my passion.
During its three years I fought to learning aquarists of my country to be shared with the world.
I share with fishhub, unfortunately the French aquarist was not ready by
As you can see the link, the forum hub fish has shown demonstrations of Aquarist.
pity there are over contact with the participants of the Asia, because we have much to learn from your passion.
Only at the time, I was the only one to admit that we had to share.
I do not understand why the French hesitated to communicate with aquarists asia.
I hope my new team will be ready to share with you.
Know that if you come to my forum feel free to talk about forum aft.
I created some forums for sharing.
several countries in South America speaks with us, we translate in both languages and sharing works both ways.
So if you want visit us, know that I am here to help.
Tomorrow Ill talk of my fishes and of my experience aquarium.
Now I leave you, I share in Mexico aquarists.
We can see there is noon tomorrow for you and morning for me.
mexico link if youre interested.
Hi Laurent, welcome to AFT. Hope you can inject French-style of fish-keeping in this forum.
AFT strives to become world-class fish talk forum, and we welcome hobbyists from all over the world to join our forum. Hope you can bring your friends here and enjoy your stay here.
>It is with great pleasure that I invite my friends in the world, I am currently on a project forum in South America.
If the project works is all the information of South America that will be available to us.
About my experience with fish is very large since all I am in the small world of fish.
Arowana, fish sheet, fire eel, Killifish, livebearers, cichlids, Mudskipper, crab, shrimp, crayfish, snail, frog fish, moray eel, crocodile fish, snakhead, Polypterus ....
Ill tried to put pictures of all the fish that I kept and I would say that I reproduce.
Gymnothorax polyuranodon
batrachomoeus trispinosus
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum
Gymnothorax tile
xenentodon cancila
periophthalmus barbarus
Little pics for my friend aro-spino
>These are indeed very awesome looking fishes. I wouldnt dare place my hands any where near the mouth of those eels. Good photographic skills too.
Thanks Laurent, my friend!
>Thank you my friend, I apologize for my few days off quick or I would have little involvement.
I am trying to create a forum for my friends in South America, soon they will also trade with South America and speak on the chatroom.
If you need me urgently sent me a private message
>I just give you my news
So I changed the name of my forum aqualifestyle-France for the French aquarists are discovering the forum.
I made more than half the forum available to guests.
because French aquarists have to change and open to the world and worked with researchers from France.
I opened an International match, I hope that you would come.
I know I ask a lot but if you just share with us, I could show aquarist de France as the world and open.
For me it is time the world wakes up and are born the movement of aquarists without frontiers.
The warming of the earth going to do much damage and many species will disappear, so its time to share as much information and advance our passion.
Thank you for reading, although Im not here right now I think of you all.
>sorry but I have no button to edit my Topic.
the word partie of the French language means more words.
Translator me replaced by the word "match". I talked about a place where we can exchange our information (english)
I need you to understand something important.
French aquarists are very close communication.
I am the only forum of France conceived the idea of shared internationally.
So I have several missions.
I have to revise our passion since the beginning and explain communication.
Other forums France have kept the old method that people criticized that of the maintenance errors.
On my forum I created a rule "Im not criticizing, I give my opinion and I explain why. "
I love to share with you but understand that I am fighting to change the behavior of French aquarists.
I created my forum an international forum to exchange ideas with all my friends aquarists the world.
More friends of the world come to see us to share with us and more behavior aquarists French change.
I hope that 2011 will be the years charing international .
It came time that our passion is no border.
I apologize for my absence, but the fight and very long, changed behavior of a country and a very mission that difficult.
Thank you for your friendship.
>Hey my friends
I would be active with you this weekend.
At this moment I am training in a store animals.
I just informed you that the forum of Thailand has established an international section.
I put the link :
>Thanks bro for your sharing!
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