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Sabah arowana tank Help how can everyone drop to 25 degrees when its hot

+60 12 335 1568

Sabah arowana tank Help how can everyone drop to 25 degrees when its hot

  arowana tank Help how can everyone drop to 25 degrees when its hotIt took half a year to prepare, and the equipment was prepared one by one. Every day, I also visited the forum to learn the experience of your predecessors.Just drop the temperature, what do you use to cool down?

  = (Comments on alliance SianLon Arowana Aquatic friends) =

  Qunying Say: Everything is complete
Fish Friends Pickup Say: Chiller.Simple and easy to use
Brother Yuyu Say: Ok!Chiller
Yuyou small depth of field Say: If possible, get a chiller
Yuyou small depth of field Say: There are air conditioners in the room, you can also get a few small fans
Fish friend jone369 Say: Fan or chiller
Cui Yiping Say:
Yuyouzhj2711 Say: Is it so hot?
Fish Friends Fish Fun Say: Its time to learn.cappuccino hdpc flooringwild animalsSingapore red arowana pictures$Red Arowana Turning Gill$Red Arowana with red lips?Luobin Red Dragon Fish&f5 red dragon fish#Pure blood red dragon fish%Red Arowana doesn"t like swimming*Red Arowana motionless)Red Arowana F1 Bintulu Aquarium

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